Let's work (it) out together!
Let's work (it) out together!
Physical Health. Mental Health. Wellness. Fitness. It's all related and I'm here to take your hand and guide you through a journey to improve your mind and your body. With 20+ years in the fitness industry, I got you. I've been through my fair share of hardships and know how important movement is especially when you don't feel like doing it. I'm committed to offering this community a variety of workouts to increase endorphins which make us feel better, yummy nutrition tips to nourish our bodies (but you will never hear me say (or write) the word diet) and mindset tips to keep us focused on the end goal which is a brighter, happier, healthier from the inside out YOU!
With years of success and experience training clients of all ages and backgrounds, teaching group exercise classes and founding a studio that is still going strong after 10+ years, I am confident my fitness programs work. The hardest part of any fitness journey is actually making the commitment. Once you do, it's my job to provide you with the tools to improve your physical and emotional health. The workouts are not easy but neither is life so just think of training as equipping you to take on daily challenges that life brings. Fitness is so much more about how we look, it's about what we are capable of and I am excited to show you what you can do!
I get it. We are all busy and life isn't easy. I've co-owned a business while raising four young kids. My first born babies were twins and one of them passed away at birth. Life stopped for awhile after that. Grief took over and I had to make a choice. Let the sadness define the rest of our life or accept the hand that had been dealt and honor our son who had passed by living life to the fullest and making every moment count. I chose the latter and it was a balanced exercise and nutrition program and mindset techniques that enabled me to follow through on this. Through this journey I realized how important exercise was for physical and more importantly mental health. How on really bad days, workouts (even just a walk around the park) are essential. The endorphins released during exercise naturally help us feel better. It's not always easy to move your body or nourish your soul when you are feeling defeated and that's where I come in. I am here to help, guide, empathize and lead you through whatever journey you are on.
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